Tax valuations are up in the Austin area even though homeowners feel that their home values have dropped. Many Austin homeowners have called us over the past few weeks to get market statistics for the purpose of protesting their tax evaluations. We have all of the current market data for every neighborhood in Austin and are happy to assist homeowners by pulling a report of the sold information for any time period. We can also provide detailed information about each sold property so that you are prepared to compare your property with the sold data and identify points of difference in the protest hearing, something you likely will be asked to do.
However, if you want to keep track of the home values in your neighborhood in real time, we have a proprietary tool that we call Market Snapshot that will provide you with information about homes for sale and those that have sold in you neighborhood. To subscribe to the data, go to our website at and click on the Market Snapshot icon. You can set the parameters of the snapshot to include homes in your particular neighborhood and designate how often you would like to receive the report. It comes automatically into your inbox complete with photos of each home.
Staying on top of home values and being prepared is your best defense when valuation time rolls around. The service is free and easy to subscribe and unsubscribe should your interest change.
Posted by Laura Duggan, West Austin Properties, on June 8, 2009. For detailed information about any homes in the Austin area or to learn about our other marketing tools, contact us at [email protected]
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